- 黑白black and white
- 黑白照片black-and-white photograph
- 退耕还林returning land for farming to forestry
- 林檎Chinese pear-leaved crabapple
- 林黛玉lin blackjade
- 黑白电影black-and-white film
- 考林Courlene
- 按黑白方式打印print in black and white
- 氨苄西林ampicillin
- 黑白电视black-and-white television
- 毁林disforestation
- 黑白电视机black-and-white receiver
- 人工林planted forest
- 黑白图片black & white picture
- 狮子林Lion Grove
- 氨基比林aminopyrine
- 黑白摄影black-and-white photography
- 灌木林shrubbery
- 东半球象鹅的鸭子,比野鸭稍大,多数为黑白杂色羽毛,红嘴。Old World gooselike duck slightly larger than a mallard with variegated mostly black-and-white plumage and a red bill.
- 菲林胶卷film roll