- 黑白black and white
- 词霸PowerWord
- 哑(onomat.)
- 金山词霸Kingsoft
- 黑白照片black-and-white photograph
- 哑的tongueless
- 哑口无言rendered speechless
- 金山毒霸Jinshan anti-virus software
- 波霸busty woman
- 黑白电影black-and-white film
- 嗓子哑lose one's voice
- 浴霸bathroom heater
- 按黑白方式打印print in black and white
- 机枪被打哑了。The machine gun was silenced.
- 黑白电视black-and-white television
- 他喊哑了嗓子。He roared himself hoarse.
- 黑白电视机black-and-white receiver
- 霸业ruleship; accomplishments of obtaining the dominant position
- 这男孩嚷得嗓子都哑了。The boy raved himself hoarse.
- 黑白图片black & white picture