- 疣柄牛肝菌属Leccinum
- 变色疣柄牛肝菌Leccinum variicolor Wathing
- 以及近浅灰色牛肝菌 Boletus subgriseus Bi sp. nov.。 1个新变种为小近白褐疣柄牛肝菌Leccinum subleucophaeum Dick et Snell var. minimum Bi var. nov.。The new species are Boletellus radiatns Bi sp. nov. Boletus subful vus Bi sp. nov., Boletus rufo-brunnescens Bi sp. nov. and Boletus subgriseus Bi sp. nov. The new variety is Leccinum subleucophaeum Dick and snell var. mini- mum Bi var. nov. All species cited above are depostited in the herbarium of the Institute of Micro- biology of Province Guangdong.
- 小疣柄锈菌Puccinia obtegens
- 变黑darken
- 天黑darkness
- 绒柄牛肝菌Boletus tomentipes
- 白炭黑white carbon black
- 暗褐网柄牛肝菌Phlebopus portentosus
- 注意一个戴黑帽的高个男人。Watch out for a tall man in a black hat.
- 法官穿着黑袍。The judge was robed in black.
- 黑石black stone
- 他的手臂和腿晒得黑黑的。His arms and legs had a dark tan.
- 疣鼻天鹅whooperswan
- 木柄wooden handle
- 灰黑greyish black
- 马铃薯的茎块出现疣肿。fungous disease causing dark warty spongy excrescences in the eyes of potato tubers.
- 木柄一字螺丝刀slotted screwdriver with wooden handle
- 黑椒牛仔骨Black Pepper Short Rib