- 她早饭后立即着手料理家务。She set about her housework straight after breakfast.
- 黑暗中他的小腿绊在了床柱上。In the darkness he stumbled his shin against the bed post.
- 断电使房子陷入一片黑暗之中。A power failure plunged the house into darkness.
- 她不喜欢每天料理家务。She won't relish having to do the household chores every day.
- 她在黑暗中睁大眼睛看。She strained her eyes in the darkness.
- 料理事务order one's affairs
- 韩国料理。All Star In Korea KTV.
- 盲人生活在黑暗的世界里。The blind people live in a dark world.
- 料理餐厅Characterized restaurant
- 他用一只手电筒照看黑暗的橱柜。He used a torch to see into the dark cupboard.
- 田庄几乎归她一个人料理。She was burdened with nearly the full responsibility of running the farm.
- 在黑暗中我们看不清房屋。We couldn't see the houses in the darkness.
- 她把料理家务当作消遣。She makes a toy of housekeeping.
- 良好的名声在黑暗中也能闪闪发光。A good name keeps its luster in the dark.
- 为什么我的料理能力这么差劲。I am terrible when it comes down to organizing my thing.
- 火光驱散了黑暗。Fires beaconed the darkness.
- 料理公司账册To keep the book of a company
- 黑暗中,他仅能勉强把路辨清。He was just able to discern the road in the dark.
- 这由你来料理。This is for you to look after.
- 灯光在黑暗中闪烁不停。The light blinked through darkness.