- 所有带软斑点的苹果都被剔除。All apples with soft spots were rejected.
- 矛尾鱼科的一个模式属;腔棘鱼。type genus of the Latimeridae: coelacanth.
- 构造带软岩soft rock in structural belt
- 黑black
- 鱼fish
- 令未知生物学家尤其骄傲的是1938年捕捉到的腔棘鱼,??且恢盅?补爬系挠憷啵??热衔?诎综鸭捅阋衙鹁?Cryptozoologists are especially proud of the catch in 1938 of a coelacanth, an archaic-looking species of fish that had been thought to have gone extinct in the Cretaceous.
- 黑带丽体鱼Convict
- 带软轴弹簧接头的打磨机附加装置attachment with relax spring connection, lathe
- 一名官员指出,桑吉巴的渔夫捕获一只腔棘鱼,这种远古时代的鱼,在留下8000万年前的化石后,便消失无踪,因而一度被认定已灭绝。Fishermen in Zanzibar have caught a coelacanth, an ancient fish once thought to have become extinct when it disappeared from fossil records 80 million years ago, an official said.
- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 黑带下black vaginal discharge
- 施皮茨带软橡胶套的神经整形术用钳Spitzy's forceps with soft rubber cover for nerve plastic
- 黑带主管Master?Black?belt
- 带软启动器回路输煤皮带启动跳闸原因分析Analysis of Tripping Cause of Coal Conveying Belt with Soft Start-Up Circuit During Starting
- 黑带钢black strip
- 基于需求划分的带软时间窗的路径优化方法The Optimal Approach of Vehicle Route with Time Window Based on Genetic Algorithm: Dynamic Partition of Demand
- 垂直黑带vertical black band
- 黑带选择Black Belt selection
- 1912年的那只蓄电池有12个单体,每个单体由三片极板组成,装在小的带软胶盖的硬橡胶壳内。The 1912 battery had 12 small cells, each consisting of three plates in a small hard rubber jar with a soft rubber cover.