- 劳工labor
- 黑市blackmarket
- 劳工部Ministry of Labour
- 国际劳工组织ILO
- 质量好的牛仔裤在俄罗斯黑市能买到。Good quality jeans are available on the black market in Russia.
- 半黑市gray market
- 他们是移居他国的劳工。They are emigrant labourers.
- 在黑市上出售美元to blackmarket US dollars
- 劳工纠纷加剧。Labor difficulties grew.
- 在黑市上买卖黄金to blackmarket gold
- 劳工市场labour market
- 这就形成一种荒廖滑稽的局面:完全的计划经济都需要黑市。This culminated in the paradox that a totally planned economy requires a black market.
- 这次历史性的罢工对整个美国的劳工运动起了很大的推动作用。The historic strike gave an enormous impetus to the whole American labor movement.
- 在这个城市,上乘的牛仔裤只有在黑市上才能买到。Good quality jeans are only available on the black market in this city.
- 美国劳工部USDL
- 黑市采购black market purchase
- 这些机器人可以节省我们大量劳工。These robots will save us a lot of labor.
- 黑市手册Black Market Handbook
- 同情劳工的法律prolabor legislation
- 黑市销售black mart sale