- 长long
- 黑尾吻鳗Rhynchocymba ectenura
- 黑black
- 波尾长duration of wave tail
- 尾tail
- 齿tooth
- 长的full-bottomed
- 尾长tail length
- 黑莓blackberry
- 犁plow
- 长大grow up
- 尾页endpage
- 黑的sable
- 耙一种由一个沉重的框架和尖齿或垂直向上的耙片构成的用于打碎并摊平犁过的泥土的农具A farm implement consisting of a heavy frame with sharp teeth or upright disks, used to break up and even off plowed ground.
- 黑眼圈dark pouches
- 长达extend as long as
- 尾注endnotes
- 黑灯瞎火dark
- 长短length
- 晒黑brown