- 黑客伦理、公有主义与声誉--对黑客行为的一种理论解释Hacker Ethics, Communism and Reputation--Theoretical Interpretation of Hacker Action
- 注意:这里没有讨论破坏黑客行为。A word of caution: nothing in this discussion suggests disorganized hacking.
- 行为conduct
- 黑客行为与个人计算机数据隐私权的保护Hack and the protection of the right to privacy in PC data
- 主义ism
- 真正的黑客行为是从入侵电话系统开始的。It started with hacking telephone systems.
- 大男子主义androcentrism
- 赞成行为主义的心理学者。a psychologist who subscribes to behaviorism.
- 完美主义者completist
- 网战战法包括,攻击电脑网络系统,发送电脑病毒以及其它破坏性黑客行为.Cyber war methods include computer network attack, transmitting computer viruses and other destructive hacking.
- 女权主义feminism
- 理想主义idealism
- 黑客行为的组织形式使我们能够不影响最初版本的稳定而迎合变体。The organized form of hacking will enable us to cater to the variants without affecting the consistency of the original version.
- 素食主义者vegan
- 组织行为学organization behavioristics
- 悲观主义pessimism
- 行为准则standard of behavior
- 素食主义vegetarianism
- 犯罪行为malefaction
- 理想主义者idealist