- 林蛇boigid
- 猫林蛇cat snake
- 双磷林蛇boomslang; boomslange
- 白蛇传Tale of the White Snake
- 退耕还林returning land for farming to forestry
- 杯弓蛇影be jittery with imaginary fears
- 林檎Chinese pear-leaved crabapple
- 大蛇anaconda
- 林黛玉lin blackjade
- 虚与委蛇deal with sb. courteously but without sincerity
- 考林Courlene
- 这小孩被蛇吓了一跳。The child was frightened by the snake.
- 氨苄西林ampicillin
- 那条蛇轻快地向猎物游去。The snake glided smoothly towards its prey.
- 毁林disforestation
- 王蛇boa
- 人工林planted forest
- 狮子林Lion Grove
- 我害怕蛇。I have a fear of snakes.
- 氨基比林aminopyrine