- 《末世黑天使》这电视剧不错。Dark Angel is a good show.
- 似乎没什么天使神仙对这倒霉的囚犯感兴趣。there seemed to be no angels or fairies interested in this luckless captive.
- 黑black
- 鼠标点击空的天使猫球的位置,天使猫的球就会落地,你就可以得分,心黑天使捣乱哦!Click the mouse angel cats air ball position, the angel cats will be driving the ball, you can score a heart disturbance Black Angels Oh!
- 天使angel
- 黑天使聚集在内野草地上相互握手道贺庆祝他们横扫洋基的胜利洋基正困惑他们到底是中了什麽邪?The Angels congregated in the infield to shake hands and savor their three-game sweep, while the Yankees were left to board an airport-bound bus and wonder when all that is wrong would finally turn right.
- 黑莓blackberry
- 天使的hierachical
- 黑的sable
- 黑眼圈dark pouches
- 小天使angelet
- 黑灯瞎火dark
- 晒黑brown
- 炽天使seraph
- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 大天使archangel
- 黑鬼nigger
- 我可以毫不夸张地说她是个天使。I can say without exaggeration that she is an angel.
- 黑点macula
- 天使般的angelical