- 生活在圣文森特小岛的亚马逊鹦鹉,最初于1970年被列为濒临灭绝物种。The St. Vincent Amazon parrot, found only on St. Vincent Island, was first listed as endangered in 1970.
- 巨嘴亚口鱼megastomatobus cyprinella
- 黑嘴病black mouth disease
- 巴西三分之二以上未开发潜在风力发电能存在于亚马逊地区。More than two-thirds of Brazil's unexploited hydro-power potential is in the Amazon.
- 黑嘴鸦blackneb
- 西方国家亚马逊河的流出通道源槽边上的冰河时代沉淀物Glacial deposits on the rim of a Hesperian-Amazonian outflow channel source trough: Mangala Valle, Mars
- 黑嘴松鸡black-billed capercaillie
- 只见布勒用它那宽宽的黑嘴把门顶开。The square black muzzle of Buller pushed the door fully open.
- 嘴mouth
- 英国皇家海军舰艇亚马逊号,军邮(舰)约翰·琼斯舰长(如用于信件上).Capt.John Jones,HMS Amazon,BFPO(ships),eg on a letter
- 黑嘴海鸟探宝小游戏Granted mouth black seabirds Games
- 长有黑嘴和鳃孔的小型海生鱼small marine fish with black mouth and gill cavity
- 朋友砂金矿床位于秘鲁南部亚马逊盆地中,具有典型的热带雨林气候和独特的水文地质特征。Friend gold placer is located in Amazon basin of the south of Peru. It is characterized by the classic feature of selva and unique hydrology.
- 非常可爱的黑嘴蓝鸟探宝记!Very lovely black beak Bluebird Granted mind!
- 眼斑星丽鱼,俗称地图鱼,原产于南美亚马逊水系,分布于巴西、委内瑞拉、圭亚那等国家。Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus), commonly known as map fish, which is distributed in the Amazon area , For example, Brazil and Venezuela.
- 每粒蚕豆都长黑嘴/人都有缺点Every bean hath its Black
- 长有黑嘴和鳃孔的小型海生鱼。small marine fish with black mouth and gill cavity.
- 亚马碱jamaicensine
- 亚马孙雨林the Amazon rainforest
- 像朱吟秋那么黑嘴老鸦似的开口就是不吉利,周仲伟听了可真憋气。It gave him the creeps to listen to that bird of ill omen, the pessimistic Chu Yin-chiu