- 求你说,你是我的妹妹,使我因你得善待,我的命也因你存活。Now say you are my sister, that it may be well with me on account of you and I may live because of you.
- 13求你说,你是我的妹妹,使我因你得善待,我的命也因你存活。Now say you are my sister, that it may be well with me on account of you and I may live because of you.
- 这样看来,律法是圣洁的,诫命也是圣洁、义、善的。Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
- 罗7:12这样看来、法是圣洁的、命也是圣洁、义、善的。So then, the Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.
- 我快承受不住了。我一定是命带重煞。如果你能结束这条命的话。It's so hard for me. My life is horrible.If you could end it.
- 黑人的命真苦,工资总是很低,他们的眼睛跟咱们的不一样,褐色的,布满了血丝。Sad business, being a Negro man, always underpaid, their eyes do not look like our eyes, bloodshot, brown
- 12这样看来,律法是圣洁的,诫命也是圣洁,公义,良善的。Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
- 好莱坞是命里注定的明星们最终的去向。Hollywood is the ultimate destination for those destined to become stars.
- 当我退到40码远,这两种箭头的命中点竟然都大大地偏右(右偏约4英??!Now, as a I move back to 40 yds, both BHs and FPs are hitting farther right (like 4" farther right) then at 20 and 30!
- 我说这话,原是准你们的,不是命你们的。I say this as a concession, not as a command.
- 学习英语就象建房子,打下扎实的基础是最基本也是最重要的一步。Learning English is like building a house, laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step.
- 你的及时警告救了我们的命。Your timely warning saved our lives.
- 我拼上老命也要说服我的妹妹。I was ready to move heaven and earth to persuade my sister.
- 这次爬山几乎送了我的命。The climb nearly finished me off.
- 这场感冒差点要了我的命。The cold nearly finished me off.
- 对于环绕地球运动的卫星来说,面积定律也是不完善的。For satellites circling the earth, the law of areas is also imperfect.
- 在那次中风之后,他已经是命在旦夕,行将就木之人。He was a goner after that stroke.
- 我第二天的宿醉(因饮酒过度而引起的头痛、恶心等)简直要了我的命。My hangover next day was a beauty.
- 美国一百七十四年以前的反英革命,也是由于人口太多吗?Was the American Revolution against Britain 174 years ago also due to overpopulation?
- 他太愚蠢了,刚做完手术就去练跑步,结果把命也搭上了。It was foolish of him to go jogging so soon after his operation. That was the kiss of death.