- 此后,我的幼年时代可就无甚出奇之处,因而略过不提。As for the rest of my infancy, there being nothing in it remarkable, I shall pass it over.
- 前倾,滑雪中的一种姿式,滑雪者从踝部向前倾,通常不提脚跟a posture assumed in skiing in which the skier leans forward from the ankles,usually without lifting the heels
- 两黑不等于一白;两个错误不等于一个正确。Two blacks do not make a white .
- 社会契约论由于本身缺乏社会学,实际上已经被弃置不提了。Social contract theory was effectively dismissed for its lack of sociology.
- 一些人批评老板,但是他们很虚伪,当着老板的面从不提这事。Some people criticize the boss, but they're too mealy-mouthed to say so in her presence.
- [谚]两黑不等于一白;两个错误不等于一个正确。Two blacks do not make a white.
- 他们根本不提我们在香港停留之事,只是建议我们来广州接领航员登机。Without mentioning our stop in Hong Kong, they suggested we take on navigators in Canton.
- 两黑不等于一白。你不能用别人的恶行来掩饰自己的劣迹。Tow black don't make a white. You can't palliate your own badness with other's bad deed.
- 亚当斯先生暗示,一位竞争者(不提其名)已报了每100公斤少于...美元的价格。Herr Adams deutete an , dass ein (ungenannter )Konkurrent einen Preis unter %24...pro 100 kg genannt hatte.
- 我们采取不提人,又不剥夺选举权的办法,给他们一个转弯的余地,以利于分化他们。Our practice is not to make arrests and not to deprive them of their right to vote but instead to give them some leeway, and this will help to split them.
- 简非常精明,她决定不提她那天早晨听到的新闻。With great shrewdness, Jane decided not to repeat the news she had heard that morning.
- 他教我听从一切命令而不提任何问题。He teaches me to obey all command and not to mention any problem.
- 叫无将牌桥牌和其它牌戏的叫牌,不提任何花色当王A declaration to play a hand without a trump suit in bridge and other card games.
- 从长远看,这样模糊不清的异议还不如不提。Making vague complaints has in fact less good effect in the long run than making no complaints.
- 最后不能不提一下喀拉喀托火山岛。Finally consider the island of Krakatoa.
- 如果你不提我的名字,他绝不会让你进他的家门。Absolutely he won't have your going into his house if you don't refer to me.
- 谈到归属感,不能不提起家庭和朋友。When we talk about belonging, we attribute as the anchor our families and friends.
- 他要出国留学, 婚事只好搁置不提。Since he was going abroad to study, he had to shelve his marriage plans.
- 在那里的中国专家从不提任何特殊要求。The Chinese experts there never made any special demand.
- 他们在讨论中不提那个敏感的问题。They kept off the sensitive subject during the discussion