- 黎族织锦中的图案艺术The Pattern Art in the Brocade of Li Ethnic Group
- 黎族Li nationality
- 织锦baldachin
- 黎族服饰Dress of the Li Ethnic Group
- 黎族人the Lis
- 杭州织锦Hangzhou brocade
- 黎族文化Culture of Li nationality
- 这些织锦帘子很漂亮。These brocade curtains are beautiful.
- 海南黎族Hainan Li Minority
- 土家族织锦brocade of Tujia nationality
- 黎族苗族Li and Miao ethnic minorities
- 织锦厂silk brocade factory
- 黎族舞蹈Li dance
- 沙发上铺上了华贵的织锦。The sofa was covered with expensive brocade.
- 黎族家庭Li family
- 织锦靠垫tapestry satin cushion cover
- 清代黎族Li nationality in Qing dynasty
- 织锦盘布damask traycloth
- 黎族妇女Lizu women
- 织锦台毯mixed tapestry satin table cloth