- 鸢尾花iris (flower)
- 黄鸟troopial
- 黄鸟在自己的树上歌唱,使我的心喜舞。The yellow birds sings in their tree and makes my heart dance with gladness.
- 尾花decorative pattern at the end of a poem, article, etc. where there is a small blank space
- 几小时前,一个穿黄鸟服的家伙住进某个旅馆房间。A guy dressed as a yellow bird checked into a hotel room a couple of hours ago.
- 狗尾花heterocarpous tickclover herb
- 黄鸟一种身体为黄色或大部分呈黄色的鸟,如金翅雀或黄莺any of various yellow or mostly yellow birds,such as the goldfinch or the yellow warbler
- 尾花细辛Asarum caudigerum Hance
- 尾花菌属Anthurus
- 鸢尾花节Iris Festival
- 我只能听到远处一只小黄鸟在啁啾啁啾地歌唱,还有一只蝉在发出催眠的叫声,不然就真是万籁俱寂了。Far off, I could hear the wich-wich-wich of a yellow warbler and a locust's somnolent buzz, otherwise silence.
- 鸢尾花卸装乳Iris range Make -up removing lotion
- 我只能听到远处一只小黄鸟在啁啾啁啾地歌唱,还有一只蝉在发出催眠的叫声,不然就真是万籁俱寂了。Far off, I could hear the wich-wich-wich of a yellow warbler and a locust's somnolent buzz, otherwise silence
- 野生鸢尾花flagger
- 紫蝴蝶花| 鸢尾花flower-de-luce | [Latin] Iris tectorum
- 我也曾有位漂亮的女友,如今她已不再我左右。漂亮女孩啊都是一个样:带着温柔,高飞远走。黄鸟儿啊,黄鸟。I also had a pretty girl, she's not with me today. They're all the same those pretty girls. Take tenderness, then they fly away. Yellow Bird, yellow bird.
- 鸢尾花形的纹章fleur-de-lis
- 蝎尾花草属植物popcory flower
- 前景有鸢尾花的阿尔风景View of Arles with Irises in the Foreground
- 有芒鸢尾花叶马铃薯Y病毒Bearded iris mosaic potyvirus