- 黄sulfur
- 雕engrave
- 黄页yellow page
- 黄钻Elopichthys bambusa
- 一箭双雕kill two birds with one stone
- 飞黄腾达make a rapid advance in one's career
- 射雕英雄传Hero Shooting Vulture
- 大黄rhubarb
- 黄酮flavone
- 黄种人yellow race
- 沙雕sand carving
- 黄的yl.
- 精雕finishing impression
- 黄绿olivine
- 文心雕龙The Literary Heart and the Carving of Dragons
- 黄片pornographic movie; blue film
- 金雕golden eagle
- 发黄yellowing
- 天才的艺术家把这块树根雕成一件有趣的装饰品。The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root.
- 砖雕tile carving