- 黄长玄武岩melilite basalt
- 黄长黑云霞岩turjaite
- 长long
- 黄sulfur
- 台州市黄长路一洲站"Yizhou Stand, Huangchang Rd.,Taizhou City"
- 长脚crus longum
- 蜂wasp
- 甘肃西秦岭新生代钾霞橄黄长岩中的球状分凝体及地幔流体反演The Globule Segregations in the Cenozoic Kamafugite and An Inversion of Mantle Fluid, Western Qinling, Gansu Province
- 洗脚footbath
- 长的full-bottomed
- 脚轮trundle
- 长大grow up
- 引脚pin
- 黄页yellow page
- 脚踏foot pedal
- 黄钻Elopichthys bambusa
- 管脚pin
- 长达extend as long as
- 飞黄腾达make a rapid advance in one's career
- 从头到脚from head to foot