- 黄金gold
- 银耳white fungus
- 黄金的golden
- 黄金储备gold reserve
- 黄金时段prime time
- 冰糖莲子银耳羹Lotus Seeds and White Fungus Soup
- 纸黄金paper gold
- 担子菌的一科属于银耳目,具有二叉而无分割的担子菌类。a family of basidiomycetous fungi belonging to the order Tremellales having a bifurcate basidium that lacks septa.
- 担子菌类真菌一科属于银耳目,具有纵向分裂的孢子台。a family of basidiomycetous fungi of the order Tremellales that have the basidium divided longitudinally.
- 黄金价格price of gold
- 冰糖银耳燕窝Braised Bird's Nest with White Fungus and Rock Candy
- 黄金地带golden mile
- 冰镇银耳Iced White Fungus
- 他贪图黄金。He was avid for gold.
- 冰汁银耳white fungus in honey sauce
- 黄金比例golden ratio
- 冰糖银耳White fungus with sugar candy
- 人们过去以黄金支付。People used to pay in gold.
- 银耳汁Tremella fuciformis
- 黄金欲greed of gold