- 黄sulfur
- 螺snail
- 螺杆screw
- 黄页yellow page
- 我要金笔。I want to buy a pen with a gold nib.
- 黄钻Elopichthys bambusa
- 英雄高级纯蓝墨水,灌注各种金笔Hero High Pure Blue Ink, Poured fountain pen
- 螺柱double-screw bolt
- 飞黄腾达make a rapid advance in one's career
- 我到处找遍了,但没能找到我的金笔。I've looked in every nook and cranny and I can't find my gold pen.
- 大黄rhubarb
- 螺孔screw
- 在金笔套的底部,整齐地刻着“美国造”的字样。At the base of the gold cap,the words'made in the U. S. A.'had been neatly inscribed.
- 黄酮flavone
- 螺塞plug screw
- 黄种人yellow race
- 英雄330型金笔的亚历山大港到岸价为每打6。5美元。For" hero300",we are quoting us %246.50 per dozen cif alexandria.
- 黄的yl.
- 螺杆泵screw pump
- 螺牙thread