- 黄金gold
- 眼镜蛇cobra
- 黄金的golden
- 她一见到眼镜蛇便尖叫起来。She shrieked at the sight of the cobra.
- 黄金储备gold reserve
- 黄金时段prime time
- 纸黄金paper gold
- 她需要了解埃及眼镜蛇需要多长时间来毒死克利奥帕特拉。She needs to know how long the venom from an Egyptian cobra would take to kill Cleopatra.
- 黄金价格price of gold
- [医] 眼镜蛇Naja tripudians L.
- [新译]他必吸吮眼镜蛇的毒液,腹蛇的舌头必把他杀死。KJV] He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him.
- 黄金地带golden mile
- 眼镜蛇胺cobramine
- 他贪图黄金。He was avid for gold.
- 眼镜蛇的elapid
- 黄金比例golden ratio
- 人们过去以黄金支付。People used to pay in gold.
- 黄金欲greed of gold
- 那个县在发现了黄金后便繁荣起来。The county boomed when gold was discovered there.
- 山谷里发现了黄金将会使这个贫穷的山区富起来。The discovery of gold in the valleys will enrich the poor mountain area.