- 黄金gold
- 黄金的golden
- 三秒区foul lane
- 三秒违例three-second violation
- 黄金储备gold reserve
- 它上面写道金鱼只能记三秒的事情。It says that goldfish can only remember things for three seconds.
- 从记录上扣除三秒Clipped three seconds off the record
- 黄金时段prime time
- 全部运算在三秒内完成。The whole operation is performed in less than three seconds.
- 纸黄金paper gold
- 你们打半场有三秒规则吗?Sports English-Basketball. Do you have a three-second violation in half-court game?
- 削减配给票; 从纪录中减少三秒Clip coupons; clipped three seconds off the record.
- 黄金价格price of gold
- 削减配给票;从纪录中减少三秒。Clip coupons; clipped three seconds off the record.
- 黄金地带golden mile
- 削减配给票;从纪录中减少三秒Clip coupons; clipped three seconds off the record.
- 他贪图黄金。He was avid for gold.
- 所有五秒的手榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.
- 黄金比例golden ratio
- 人们过去以黄金支付。People used to pay in gold.