- 长long
- 足长foot length
- 掺钕钇铝石榴石激光棒长脉冲激光阈值及斜率效率的测量方法Test method for normal pulse lasing threshold and slope efficiency of Nd: YAG laser rods
- 黄足鹞yellowlegs
- 黄sulfur
- GB/T11297.4-1989掺钕钇铝石榴石激光棒长脉冲激光阈值及斜率效率的测量方法Test method for normal pulse lasing threshold and slope efficiency of Nd: YAG laser rods
- 黄足鹬yellow-legger
- 通长棒normal sticks
- 两足长翼的wing-footed
- 黄足肥螋Euborellia pallipes
- 棒strong
- 长的full-bottomed
- 长大grow up
- 足foot (feet)
- 黄足黄守瓜Aulacophora femoralis chinensis
- 长棒形绝缘子long rod insulator
- 棒的baculine
- 长达extend as long as
- 黄足斑皿蛛Lepthyphantes luteipes
- 长短length