- 黄sulfur
- 黄页yellow page
- 粉蝶white butterfly
- 黄钻Elopichthys bambusa
- 飞黄腾达make a rapid advance in one's career
- 大黄rhubarb
- 裁缝拆开下摆将连衫裙收短。The tailor ripped the hem and shortened the dress.
- 白粉蝶small cabbage white moth
- 黄酮flavone
- 她穿一件丝绒连衫裙。She wore a velvet dress.
- 黄种人yellow race
- 苜蓿粉蝶alfalfa caterpillar
- 她的连衫裙用褶边装饰。Her dress was adorned with ruffles.
- 黄的yl.
- 山粉蝶black veined white
- 所有漂亮的女士都穿着最漂亮的连衫裙。All the pretty women wore their smartest dresses.
- 粉蝶科Pieridae
- 她的连衫裙是用薄绸做成的。Her dress was of silk tissue.
- 黄绿olivine
- 莱粉蝶Pieris rapae