- 豆bean
- 黄莺whitethroat
- 豆的leguminous
- 可可豆cacao
- 黄莺花Huangyinghua
- “黄莺”huangying
- 荷兰豆sweet broad pea
- 黄莺科的小鸟whitethroat
- 豆粕dregs of beans
- 这只黄莺的嗓音非。The voice of this bush warbler is agreeable to the ear.
- 豆干dried tofu
- 豆皮skin of tofu
- 榆树上有黄莺,还有欢快的坚鸟,The roiole in the elm; the noisy jay
- 黄莺清脆的鸣叫声听起来很悦耳。The liquid notes of an oriole sound pleasing to the ear.
- 鹰嘴豆chickpea
- 黄莺儿是一个任人欣赏的艾勒维奥。The nightingale is a gratuitous Elleviou.
- 相思豆jequirity bean
- 与之同时,黄莺和各种小鸟欢乐鸣唱。Meanwhile, orioles and other birds sing merrily.
- 青春豆acne
- 黄鸟一种身体为黄色或大部分呈黄色的鸟,如金翅雀或黄莺any of various yellow or mostly yellow birds,such as the goldfinch or the yellow warbler