- 龙芽草agrimony
- 钝齿龙芽草Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb.var.viscidula Komar.
- 刺龙芽Aralia data
- 黄花wreath goldenrod
- 草本龙芽Aralia continentalis Kitagwa
- 龙芽槐木Aralia elata Seem
- 芽sprout
- 盘龙pelycosaur
- 黄花梨木rose wood
- 接龙build up a sequence
- 龙舌兰maguey
- 多年生的欧洲毛茛,春天开黄花,在北美的东部被广泛移植。perennial European buttercup with yellow spring flowers widely naturalized especially in eastern North America.
- 龙猫galesaur
- 新芽sprout
- 龙的abortive
- 肉芽granulation
- 龙的传人descendants of the dragon
- 芽胞brood cell
- 龙舌兰酒pulque
- 芽在春天萌发。Buds sprout in the spring.