- 三种耧斗菜属植物柱头的特征Characters of stigma in three Aquilegia species
- 耧斗菜columbine
- 耧斗菜属aquilegia
- 欧洲耧斗菜European columbine
- 菜vegetables
- 斗Chinese peck
- 黄花wreath goldenrod
- 耧斗大茎点霉菌Macrophoma aquilegiae
- 菜鸟green hand
- 黄花梨木rose wood
- 落基山脉一种开蓝花的长花距耧斗草。columbine of Rocky Mts having long-spurred blue flowers.
- 菜系style of cooking
- 上菜serving
- 北美东部一种具有长花距红花的耧斗草columbine of eastern North America having long-spurred red flowers
- 特色菜special
- 铲斗bucket
- 买菜buy vegetables
- 耧drill for sowing grain
- 乱斗rough-and-tumble
- 小菜一碟a piece of cake