- 那只鸟是大种黄脚鹬吗?Is that bird a Greater Yellow-legs?
- 她递给查安逖克一个高脚银酒杯,酒的芳香刺激着他的鼻孔。She handed Chantico a silver goblet and the smell of sweet wine tickled his nostrils.
- 黄sulfur
- 在冬季中期,我们可以判断一只背羽淡色而头部全白的大鸥一定是蒙古银鸥。In the mid-winter period, a pale-mantled gull with an entirely white head really has to be Mongolian.
- 黄脚鹬两种北美涉水禽(大黄脚鹬或小黄脚鹬)的一种,腿呈黄色,喙细长Either of two North American wading birds(Tringa melanoleuca or T. flavipes) having yellow legs and a long narrow bill.
- 银silver
- 黄脚鹬,两种北美涉水禽(大黄脚鹬或小黄脚鹬)的一种,腿呈黄色,喙细长either of two North American wading birds(Tringa melanoleuca or T. flavipes) having yellow legs and a long narrow bill
- 因此我们就可以把蒙古银鸥列入台湾地区大鸥的阶元清单。So, we can add Mongolian to the list of taxons recorded in Taiwan.
- 例如,许多大鸥个体,例如在新?e的,无疑的就是蒙古银鸥。Many, as at Xin Wun, without any doubt Mongolian.
- 黄页yellow page
- 洗脚footbath
- 黄钻Elopichthys bambusa
- 蒙古银鸥成鸟冬羽:这只已有完整的初级飞羽白色羽尖新羽(蒙古银鸥是三种中最早完成换羽的)。Adult winter Mongolian Gull: This bird has new primaries with white tips (Mongolian is the first of the three species to complete its primary moult).
- 脚轮trundle
- 飞黄腾达make a rapid advance in one's career
- 镀银silver plating
- 引脚pin
- 大黄rhubarb
- 脚踏foot pedal
- 黄酮flavone