- 扒耳岩动物群Ba'eryan mammal fauna
- 吸蜜鸟friarbird; honey eater
- 黄耳伤寒pyotorrhea disease
- 澳洲塔斯马尼亚霍巴特冬季驯化黄翅澳蜜鸟的代谢率(英文)Metabolism of winter-acclimatized new Holland honeyeaters Phylidonyris novaehollandiae from Hobart, Tasmania
- 黄sulfur
- 扒黄耳stewed yellow fungus
- 猩红吸蜜鸟Iiwi
- 传统的保温砂浆是以膨胀珍珠岩为骨料。 因膨胀珍珠岩吸水率很高、脆性大、粘结强度低、抗裂性差,应用受到了很大的局限。The aggregate of traditional insulation mortar is pearlite, which has high water absorbing capacity, high brittleness, low bond strength and poor crack resistance, so its application have been restricted in some fields.
- 黄耳豆苗汤Consommé with yellow fungus and bean sprouts
- 没有把蜂蜡留给导蜜鸟,and leave some honeycomb for the guide
- 吸to breathe
- 耳ear
- 蜜honey
- 豆苗黄耳汤Yellow fungus soup with bean sprouts
- 攀岩rock climbing
- 吸入to breathe in
- 导蜜鸟十有八九都有机会美美地享受一番蜂蜡。the bird is especially sure of getting a good share of the honeycomb.
- 岩性lithology
- 吸水sop
- 黄耳浸白玉条Simmered White Gourd Slices with Yellow Fungus