- 绿霸皇万年青的组织培养和快速繁殖Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Dieffenbachia amoena cv.'Green King
- 黄绿olivine
- 黄sulfur
- 美洲小?霸?属中的一种橄榄灰色的北美小捕蝇鸟,尤其指绿霸?Any of various small,olive - gray North American flycatchers of the genus Contopus,especially a wood pewee.
- 词霸PowerWord
- 从绿色植物脓液中提取出来的黄绿颜色的抗生素的混合物a yellow-green mixture of antibiotics obtained from the bacillus of green pus
- 黄页yellow page
- 金山词霸Kingsoft
- 黄钻Elopichthys bambusa
- 飞黄腾达make a rapid advance in one's career
- 新绿verdure
- 大黄rhubarb
- 草绿grass green
- 黄酮flavone
- 黄种人yellow race
- 黄的yl.
- 黄片pornographic movie; blue film
- 黄绿型yellow-green type
- 红橙黄绿蓝Red orange yellow green and blue
- 黄绿木霉Trichoderma aureoviride