- 团子dumpling
- 黄米yellow rice
- 黄米毒素luteoskyrin
- 汤团,团子,饺子炖或煮制的小面团A small ball of dough cooked with stew or soup.
- 黄米醇溶蛋白proso millet prolamin
- 黄米营养成分分析Analysis of nutritional compounds in proso millet
- 糯米团子dumpling made of glutinous rice
- “有锅鱼煮黄米饭。" A pot of yellow rice with fish.
- 南瓜团子Pumpkin Dumplings
- 最最好吃的黄米面团。The best millet cookies of Japan.
- 玉米团子corndodger
- 有锅鱼煮黄米饭。要吃点吗?A pot of yellow rice with fish. Do you want some?
- 那些团子使他肚子胀得难受。The dumplings lay heavy on his stomach.
- 黄米盐溶性蛋白提取工艺研究Study on extraction technique of salt-soluble protein of proso millet
- 团子鱼精蛋白cycloptarin
- 蟑螂团子。蜂蜜公爵糖果。Cockroach Clusters: Wizarding sweets made from cockroaches.
- 这些布丁团子是块状的没煮过的生面团。the dumplings were chunky pieces of uncooked dough.
- 我们通常吃一种叫做汤圆的团子。We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.
- 目前有产品60余种,主要有精包装的小绿豆,小红豆,小黄米,高梁米等;有杂粮深加工产品:杂粮方便面,杂粮便利小食品等。We also have some deep processing products: Miscellaneous grains instant noodle, miscellaneous grains convenience pot food and so on.
- "还有一些团子剩着,如果你饿的活,我马上就可以热好。""There're some dumplings left; I can hot them up in a minute, if you're hungry."