- 炸象眼鸽蛋fried pigeon eggs with minced meat
- 凤眼鸽蛋"Phoenix eye" pigeon eggs
- 黄眼草科Xyridaceae
- 黄sulfur
- 象眼鸽蛋“Elephant eye”pigeon's egg
- 黄眼草目Xyridales
- 黄眼草属Xyris
- 鸽dove
- 单子叶植物科属黄眼草目沼泽植物。a monocotyledonous family of bog plants of order Xyridales.
- 黄页yellow page
- 飞鸽flying pigeon
- 黄钻Elopichthys bambusa
- 眼霜eye cream
- 飞黄腾达make a rapid advance in one's career
- 乳鸽young pigeon
- 屁眼asshole
- 大黄rhubarb
- 眼影eye shadow
- 鹑鸽quail dove
- 黄酮flavone