- 辣黄瓜条Cucumber slices with chili
- 盘条wire rod
- 工资条salary bill
- 祖母会腌黄瓜。Grandmother knew how to pickle cucumbers.
- 竖条column bar
- 导航条navigation bar
- 色条vitta
- 拉条strutting piece
- 样条transect
- 一条裤子a pair of trousers
- 毛条wool top
- 装饰条trim strip
- 细条strand
- 一条新的铁路正在修建中。A new railroad is under construction.
- 板条箱crate
- 分条itemize
- 这条大鱼咬住了钓饵。The enormous fish snapped the fly.
- 马跳过了那条沟。The horse jumped over the ditch.
- 嵌条panel strip
- 铁条iron bar