- 冻伤的症状开始是麻痹、肤色黄灰;情况严重时症状加剧:皮肤变硬、泛白、明显结冻,Symptoms begin with numbness and yellow-grey skin and increase in severity to hard, white, obviously frozen skin
- 黄sulfur
- 贵阳地区豆野螟和亮灰蝶的生物学特性Biological characteristics of the bean pod borer and bean butterfly in Guiyang
- SIIA-C2191-A和B,黄灰链霉菌产生的多环口山酮类新抗生素I.菌种分类,发酵,分离纯化和生物学活性(英文)SIIA-C2191-A and B, novel polycyclic xanthone antibio tics produced by Streptomyces flavogriseus I. Taxonomy, fermentation, isola tion and biological activities
- 蝶butterfly
- 灰ash
- 榛木一种榛属灌木或小乔木,尤指欧洲的黄灰榛或美洲的美洲榛,产有包裹在叶状的外壳中的可食用的果实Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Corylus,especially the European species C. avellana or the American species C. americana,bearing edible nuts enclosed in a leafy husk.
- 灰蝶hairstreak; lycaenid
- 黄页yellow page
- 金蝶Kingdee
- 黄钻Elopichthys bambusa
- 灰熊grizzly bear
- 飞黄腾达make a rapid advance in one's career
- 豹纹蝶fritillary
- 大黄rhubarb
- 灰分ash content
- 黄酮flavone
- 黄种人yellow race
- 灰的ashy
- 黄的yl.