- 丝膜菌素inolomin
- 紫丝膜菌C. purpurascens
- 棕丝palm
- 黄sulfur
- 丝膜菌属Cortinarius
- 黑棕丝black palm fibre
- 酸雨对黄棕壤的致酸作用与对小麦幼苗膜脂过氧化水平的影响Acidification of Acid Rain to Yellow-brown Soil and Effects of Acid Rain on the Lipid Peroxidation of Wheat Seedlings
- 棕丝盒palm box
- 膜(n) membrane; film
- 菌germ
- 丝silk
- 分散黄棕disperse yellow brown
- 紫色丝膜菌cortinarius purpurascens Fr
- 黄棕yellowish-brown
- 棕丝帽palm hat
- 黄棕壤yellow brown earth
- 红环丝膜菌Red-Zoned cortinarius; Zoned black fungus
- 棕丝刷帚palm fibre brush
- 产膜菌producing membrane strain
- 硫化黄棕sulphur yellow brown