- 木梳wooden comb
- 铁木梳ecten
- 珍珠黄杨Buxus sinica var. parvifolia
- 小径杉木梳解加工工艺研究Study on the Combing Process of Small Chinese Fir
- 金心黄杨Euonymus japonica L. cv. a ureo-pictus
- 柔性生产在常州木梳生产中的应用Flexible Manufacturing System Applied in Traditional Wooden Comb Manufacture
- 黄杨绢野螟Diaphania perspectalis
- 用意杨压缩木替代传统木梳材料的研究Study on the Substitute of Chinese Wooden Comb Material
- 黄杨宁缓释片cyelovirobuxinum D sustained-release tablet
- 朝鲜黄杨育苗技术Seedling cultivation methods of Buxus microphylla var. Koreana
- 梳头娘姨金妈站在姨太太背后,微笑地弄着手里的木梳。Chin Mah, the hairdresser maid, stood behind the concubine, smiling to herself and toying with a comb.
- 大叶黄杨扦插育苗技术Cultivation techniques of cuttings of Euonymus japonicus
- 帕森斯家的孩子拿张大便纸夹木梳,把这曲子没日没夜价吹,简直就让人受不了。The Parsons children played it at all hours of the night and day, unbearably, on a comb and a piece of toilet paper.
- 珍珠黄杨育苗栽培与盆景制作技术Planting stock and cultivation of Buxus sinics and its production technology of potted landscape
- 大叶黄杨带腋芽茎段组织培养研究Study on Stem Segment with Axillary's Bud Culture of Euonymus japonica us
- 城镇环境绿化优良地被物--金叶瓜子黄杨A suitable land cover plant for cities greening--Buxus sinica
- 大叶黄杨叶制备叶绿素铜钠盐的工艺研究Study on the preparation of sodium copper chlorophyllin from Buxus myrica. Levl. Leaves
- 她们有的在水龙头旁边舀水,有的用断了齿的木梳梳掉紧粘在头发里的棉絮,有的两个一组两个一组地用扁担抬着平满的马桶,吆喝着从人们身边擦过。Some take water from the common tap, others try with broken wooden combs to remove the fluff which clings stubbornly to their hair. A file of girls with carrying-poles, two by two, take out the brimming wooden night-pots, shouting as they jostle past.
- 适宜大叶黄杨茎段不同组织培养阶段的培养基研究A Study on Stem Tissue Culture Medium Suitable for Different Culture Stage of Buxus megistophylla
- 小叶黄杨和夹竹桃对土壤中重金属元素汞的吸收比较The comparisons between Buxus sinica and Nerrium indicum Mill on the absorbing to mercury in soil