- 黄条斑病chlorotic streak
- 黄缘真龙虱Cybister bengalensis
- 斑龙megalosaurus
- 黄sulfur
- 斑龙芋属Sauromatum
- 龙虱dytiscid
- 黄条跳甲striped flea-beetle
- 斑龙固肾胶囊Banlonggushen Capsule
- 黄条蟾蜍natterjack
- 龙虱科Dytiscidae
- 黄条行军虫yellow striped army worm
- 龙虱属Dytiscus
- 条斑streak
- 斑龙芋属(天南星科)及近缘属植物的叶表皮形态Characters of Leaf Epidermis in Genus Sauromatum (Araceae) and It's Relative Genera
- 黄条金刚竹Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriatus
- 龙虱在水能游,出水能飞,并有很强的趋光性。Water beetles can swim in water, fly in the air, and have strong phototaxis.
- 稻条斑mottling of rice plants
- 蔬菜黄条跳甲Phyllotreta cruciferae
- ,甲虫包含鞘翅目的龙虱(Cybister spp.), diving beetles ( Cybister spp .)
- 条斑病streak disease