- 玉米黄尾球跳甲Sphaeroderma apicale
- 球跳弹着滚下楼梯。The ball went bouncing down the stairs.
- 黄sulfur
- 黄尾鲴Xenocypris davidi
- 球跳到空中。The ball bounded into the air.
- 黄尾鱼amberjack
- 球sphere
- 尾tail
- 黄尾屿Huangwei Yu
- 黄曲条跳甲田间种群发生的生态干扰Ecological disturbance of field Phyllotreta striolata population occurrence
- 桌球table tennis
- 色球chromosphere
- 尾页endpage
- 苯甲benzoylate
- 意甲Division A League Football Matches of Italy
- 黄页yellow page
- 球的spherical
- 二甲lumichrome
- 尾注endnotes
- 黄钻Elopichthys bambusa