- 在隐肩支台之肩部置在何处为理想?Where is the ideal placement of the shoulder on the Stealth Shouldered Abutment?
- 台your
- 古城寨一带为传说中的祝融之墟,亦黄帝所居轩辕之丘。The area of Guchengzhai site is the ruins of Zhu Rong, and also the hillock of XuanYuan where Huangdi lived.
- "在访台之行中,他看见他表弟。""On a visit to Taiwan, he saw his cousin."
- 那个芭蕾舞女演员在下台之前行屈膝礼.The ballerina bobbed a curtsy before leaving the stage.
- 丘mound
- 麻布flax
- 他有四台之多的手工织布机,还雇了几个学徒。He owned no fewer than four handlooms and employed apprentices.
- 丘比特Cupid
- 之後afterwards
- 港台Hong Kong and Taiwan
- 台帐machine account
- 不足之处limitations
- 吧台bar counter
- 随之thereupon; therewith
- 收银台the cashier's
- 之处part; point
- 台车trolley
- 之行trip
- 音乐台bandstand