- 麦oats
- 耳麦earphone mic
- 全麦wholewheat
- 全麦面包whole-wheat bread
- 俾斯麦Bosmarck
- 烧麦Shaomai (Steamed Pork Dumplings)
- 麦可Michael
- 麦饭石medical stone
- 农民过去用手打麦脱粒。Farmers used to thrash their wheat by hand.
- 一粒麦a kernel of wheat
- 麦琪钢琴弹得很好。Maggie plays the piano very well.
- 麦杆是空心的。Straws are hollow.
- 打麦wheat scouring
- 麦包散了。The sack of wheat has spilled.
- 麦克握紧双手,眼里冒著愤怒的火花。Mike clench his hand with a wrathful spark in his eyes.
- 乔麦buckwheat
- 奥麦aum
- 爱麦空间Eilenberg-Maclane space
- 阿尔法麦胚酚alpha-tocopherol
- 白头麦鸡Vanellus albiceps