- 可以在麦康凯培养基生长,不生成结晶紫,并且能抗5%NaCl。It can grow on MacConkey agar without crystal violet and in the presence of 5%25 NaCl.
- 在麦康凯培养基中,大肠杆菌菌落出现荧光的时间明显延迟,其它革兰氏阴性菌也仍然不产生荧光。coli grew well but with delayed fluorescence, while the other gram negative bacteria also did not exhibit fluorescence irrespective of their growth.
- 肉汤(培养基)broth
- 经HE,DHL,SS和麦康凯琼脂平板分离的65株沙门氏菌标准菌株和48株从食品中分离的沙门氏菌,用MUCAP测试均呈阳性反应;65 strains of standard Salmonella, 48 strains of Salmonella isolated from foods growing on plates of HE, DHL, SS and MaConkey agar have been tested with MUCAP. All of them were identified as MUCAP positive;
- 滚烫的肉汤roasting hot broth
- 肉汤[培养基]bouillon; broth
- 他进屋给我端上一大碗热腾腾的肉汤。He entered and served me with a big bowl of steaming broth.
- 任何一种用琼脂作胶凝剂的培养基。any culture medium that uses agar as the gelling agent.
- [医] 肉汤juscul.
- 保存培养基conservative medium
- 菜丝清汤,肉汁菜丝汤配有切成细长条的蔬菜的清炖肉汤或原汤Consomm or broth garnished with long, thin strips of vegetables.
- 无菌培养基an axenic culture medium
- 我在肉汤发现一根头发。I found a hair in the gravy.
- 糖肉汤[医] carbohydrate broth
- 卵黄培养基egg yolk medium
- 补加培养基supplemented medium
- 浓肉汤soup stock
- 把肉汤煮得浓一些。Concentrate the broth by boiling it.
- 培养基通常要进行高压杀菌。An autoclave is usually necessary for preparation of the culture media.
- 晶体培养基crystal nutrient