- 雉ringed pheasant
- 三对雉three brace of pheasants
- 雌雉a hen pheasant
- 血雉Ithaginis cruentus
- 雄雉a ,cock pheasant
- 孔雀雉peacock pheasant
- 雉鹑Tetraophasis obscurus
- 有些野雉喜欢生活在密密的丛林里。Some wild pheasants love impenetrable jungles.
- 雉门Zhi Gate
- 在英国十月至二月是猎雉的开放季节October to February are the open seasons for pheasant in Britain
- 牡雉male pheasant
- 冢雉megapod
- 圆雉circular cone
- 雉科Phasianidae
- 雉毛pheasant plume
- 雉属Phasianus
- 麝雉hoatzin
- 棕尾虹雉Impeyan
- 雉肝common pheasant liver
- 雉脑common pheasant brain