- 不死魔王的外观将略微变小Reduced Dirge model size very slightly
- 修行的人听到那个声音以后,魔王的手就抓不到他,从那天就自由解脱了,意思是这样子。Once a spiritual practitioner has heard this Sound, he is beyond the grasp of the Maya King, and is free and liberated.
- 她花全部的时间照料年迈的父亲。She spends all her time nursing her old father.
- 约翰的父亲去世了,你要委婉地把这个不幸的消息告诉他。John's father has died; you'll have to break the news to the boy.
- 本性还原仪式令人始料未及的结果迫使泽希尔、德里克和芬丹跟踪拜娅拉到了魔王的囚禁地谢尔戈。The unexpected outcome of the Rite of True Nature compels Zehir, Findan, Godric and Raelag to follow Biara to Sheogh, where the Sovereign is imprisoned.
- 他在名声显赫的父亲的庇护下生活。He lived in the shadow of his famous father.
- 做的好!这里,一把骨头钥匙。它可以打开西边魔王的巢穴。偷走它有魔力的蘑菇,我们就完成任务了。Wizard: Well done! Here, a key of Bone.It opens the lair of Ratling King to the west.Steal his magical mushrooms and we're done.
- 这些儿女们真是太贪婪了,他们甚至想从垂死的父亲身上找到些什么。The sons and daughters are so greedy that they even want to seek something from the dying father.
- 人们在日出之前醒来并在油中混入朱砂做成类似血的液体。随后打破一个苦果,代表着魔王的头颅被打碎。People wake up before sunrise and prepare blood by mixing Kumkum in oil and after breaking a bitter fruit that represents the head of the demon King that was smashed
- 他的父亲非常严格。His father is very exacting.
- 吉姆的父亲常说他的生意成功的秘密就是他总是稍稍领先一步公众的需求。Jim's father often said that one secret of his success in business was that he always stayed one step ahead of public demand.
- 我的父亲总是尽量不干涉我的事情。My father is always trying not to interfere in my affairs.
- 那男孩子承认他的行为是不负责任的,他答应他的父亲改过自新。The boy confessed that he had behaved irresponsibly, and promised his father that he would turn over a new leaf.
- 哈姆雷特为他死去的父亲报仇。Hamlet revenged his dead father.
- 我的父亲五十岁了。My father is fifty years old.
- 如果你说你的父亲当过矿工或码头工人,有人就瞧不起你。Some people turn up their noses if you say your father was a miner or a docker.
- 贝尔的父亲甚至为聋人发明了一套所谓的“可见的语言”。Bell's father had even gone so far as to develop a system of so-called "visible speech" for the deaf.
- 我的父亲为我的成功而骄傲。My father gloried in my success.
- 他的父亲先死。His father went first.
- 她怀念她的父亲。She cherished the memory of her father.