- 诱导Fuzzy拓扑空间中闭包与内部的分解定理The Decomposition Theorem of Interior and Closure in the Induced Fuzzy Topological Spaces
- 应用分解定理对引发林木火灾主导因素的分析Analysis on Essential Factor Causing Forest Fire with Decomposition Theorem
- S-R分解定理S-R decomposition theorem
- 从分解定理看模糊数学中的辩证思想View the dialectical thinking in fuzzy mathematics at the angle of decomposition theorem
- GMtchouk-Kunita-Watanabe分解定理Galtchouk-Kunita-Watanabe Decomposition Theorem
- 循环分解定理circulating decomposition theorem
- 模糊上下文无关树文法的分解定理和表现定理Decomposition Theorem and Representation Theorem of Fuzzy Context-free Tree Grammars
- 一些化学化合物可以通过加热分解。Some chemical compounds can be resolved by heat.
- 分解定理decomposition theorem
- 石油在一定压力下加热分解。Oil is cracked by heating under pressure.
- 几何定理是从经验得出的。Geometrical theorems grew out of empirical methods.
- 因子分解定理factorization theorem
- 链分解定理chain-decomposition theorem
- 等离子体的分解disassembly of the plasma
- 替代定理substitution theorem
- 枢轴分解定理pivotal decomposition theorem
- 三棱镜将光分解成颜色纷呈的光谱。The prism resolved the light into the colors of the spectrum.
- 互等位移定理reciprocal theorem of displacement
- 分解定理证明resolution theorem proving
- 我们把脂肪分解为甘油和脂肪酸。We split a fat into glycerol and fatty acids.