- 隐鹦嘴鱼Cryptotomus roseus; Bluelip
- 鹦嘴鱼科Scaridae
- 天蓝鹦嘴鱼Midnight parrotfish
- 高鳍刺尾鱼Zebrasoma veliferum
- 日本纤鹦嘴鱼Japanese parrotfish
- 夏高鳍鲂Pteraclis aesticola
- 高鳍笛鲷muttonfish
- 黑尼氏鹦嘴鱼Nicholsina usta
- 高鳍石首鱼guapena
- 阴高鳍石首鱼Cubbyu
- 鹦嘴鱼scaroid
- 高鳍笛鲷一种北美东部北方海域鳕类淡水鱼(美洲大绵?)An eelpout(Macrozoarces americanus)of the coastal waters of northeast North America.
- 多种亮色的热带海鱼中的任一种,尤指鹦嘴鱼科的鱼,长有类似鹦鹉喙的牙齿any of various brightly colored tropical marine fishes,especially of the family Scaridae,having fused teeth resembling a parrot's beak
- 高鳍笛鲷一种北美东部北方海域鳕类淡水鱼(美洲大绵?)An eelpout(Macrozoarces americanus)of the coastal waters of northeast North America.
- 高鳍笛鲷一种北美东部北方海域鳕类淡水鱼(美洲大绵鳚)An eelpout(Macrozoarces americanus) of the coastal waters of northeast North America.
- 鹦嘴鱼多中亮色的热带海鱼中的任一种,尤指鹦嘴鱼科的鱼,长有类似鹦鹉喙的牙齿Any of various brightly colored tropical marine fishes, especially of the family Scaridae, having fused teeth resembling a parrot's beak.
- 鱼鳍fin
- 鱼的嘴啪的一声合上了。The crocodile's jaws snapped shut.
- 雷高德一种笛子,其有八个指孔和一个哨状吹嘴A flute with eight finger holes and a whistlelike mouthpiece.
- 鳍高fin height