- STR-PCR检测孕妇外周血浆中胎儿DNA基因型的初步研究Analysis of fetal DNA genotype in maternal plasma using CTT multiple FCR amplification systems
- 耐万古霉素肠球菌表型及基因型分析Analysis of Phenotype and Genotype of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci
- DNA基因DNAgene
- 采用PCR微板核酸杂交-ELISA技术进行HBV DNA基因分型的研究Study on genotypes of HBV DNA using PCR microplate hybridization-ELISA
- 髓母细胞瘤全基因组的等位基因型分析Genome-wide genetic study of medulloblastoma using allelotype analysis
- 型的thysanuriform
- 魁蚶核糖体DNA基因转录间隔区的序列特征Sequence analysis of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers of bloody clam, Scapharca broughtonii
- 基因型genotype
- 细胞会根据DNA基因指令,将胺基酸串接成蛋白质。Cells synthesize proteins, which are chains of amino acids, based on instructions written in the DNA of genes.
- 自然流产、无精症和先天愚型患者外周血染色体核型分析Analysis of Chromosomal Karyotypes of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in Patients with Spoutanous Abortion, Azoospermia and Down Syndrome
- 基因型分析genotyping
- 史密斯与同事先是把人工合成的DNA基因编码--分别用字母A、T、C、G代表--排列成不同的组合,用这些编码的组合来代表待求解问题的答案。Smith and his colleagues began by arranging the synthetic DNA's genetic coding-represented by the letters A,T,C and G---in different combinations that represented the numerical solutions to the problem.
- 结肠粘膜活检标本中固有层单个核细胞的分离及表型分析Isolation and Phenotypic Analysis of Lamina Propria Mononuclear Cells from Colonoscopic Biopsy Specimens
- 同时,利用苏门答腊虎的微卫星序列设计了8对引物,在东北虎DNA基因组中扩增有4对(Pti002、Pti003、Pti007、Pti010)具有明显的多态性。At the same time, we designed eight microsatellite primers by the sequences of Sumatrae tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), the amplified result in all Amur tiger genomes showed that four primers were monomorphic and four (Pti002, Pti003, Pti007, PtiOlO) were polymorphic.
- 坝型分析analysis on dam types
- 晶型分析crystal type analysis
- 本文利用家猫的18个微卫星位点,在东北虎DNA基因组中进行扩增得到6对(Fca005、Fca075、Fca094、Fca152、Fca161、Fca294)引物具有较明显的多态性。Eighteen polymorphic microsatellite DNA primers identified in domestic cat (Felis catus) were amplified in Amur tiger genomes, and found that four of the loci did not amplify product, eight were monomorphic and six (FcaOOS, Fca075, Fca094, Fcal52, Fcal61, Fca294) were polymorphic.
- 找型分析form-finding
- 半个多世纪以来,关于生命的大部分故事说白了就是DNA基因和这些基因经过编码和简单的组合形成的蛋白质间相互作用的故事,而正是这些蛋白质使有机体具有了生命。For more than half a century the fundamental story of living things has been a tale of the interplay between genes, in the form of DNA, and proteins, which the genes encode and which do the donkey work of keeping living organisms living.
- 证型分析Analysis on syndrome patterns