- 超低排放混合动力汽车,机动车尾气排放污染控制技术应用研究; 车用清洁燃料技术研究等。We are engaged in researching into the application of the technology of controlling the pollutant discharged by tail' gas of ultra-low discharged mixed dynamic automobile and vehicles and bus clean fuel technology etc.
- 超overtake
- 用于测量轻型车超低排放的分流稀释气袋取样系统Bag Mini-diluter Sampling System Used in Light-duty ULEV Emission Measurement
- 超低ultralow
- 高低(adv) simply; just
- 奥林匹克公园内采用零排放车辆和超低排放车辆。In the Olympic Green, no emission or ultra-low emission vehicles will be used.
- 超低排放混合动力汽车,机动车尾气排放污染控制技术应用研究;车用清洁燃料技术研究等。We are engaged in researching into the application of the technology of controlling the pollutant discharged by tail' gas of ultra-low discharged mixed dynamic automobile and vehicles and bus clean fuel technology etc.
- 高功能超低价格机床High Function,Super Low Cost Machine Tools
- 超低的耗电量和超高的效能Very Low Battery Consumption and Very High Performance
- 油耗低,功力大,二次补气装置低排放,超值发动机。Oil Consumption low skill big two vital installations low emissions, excellent engine.
- CAN总线在高精度超低功耗仪表中的应用Application of CAN Bus in High Precision Exceed Low Power Dissipation Instrument
- 超低粘度油ultra-low viscosity oil
- 超低磷Super-Low Phosphorus
- 超低VOCzero VOC
- 超低量Ultra low volume
- 超低端super low-end
- 超低频率ULF
- 超低声infra-audible sound
- 超低碳ultra-low carbon
- 超低的ultra-low