- 合鳃目Synbran chiformes
- 合鳃目的黄鳝(Monopterus albus); 鲈形目的罗非鱼(Tilapia mossambica)等淡水鱼类。, Gambusia affinis (Baird & Gir), Monopterus albus (Zuiew), Tilapia mossambica Peters, etc.
- 太平洋鳗鱼, 楔齿七鳃鳗Pacific lamprey
- 七鳃鳗科Petromyzontis
- 改姓高氏。And change our surname to Gao.
- 高氏破布木brazilian walnut
- 不合not conform to
- 七鳃鳗类Petromyzones
- 唐代渤海国高氏与中原望族的关系新证The Intermarriage Between the Gao Family in Bohai State and the Prominent Families of the Tang Dynasty
- 合集union
- 拟合fitting
- 七鳃鳗目Petromyzonida
- 贴合joint
- 合租flat-share
- 鳗eel
- 合页hinge
- 七鳃鳗属Lampetra
- 合照group photo
- 鳃gills of fish
- 合板plywood