- 高标准农田建设High-standard farm land construction
- 加强采伐更新管理努力建设高标准农田防护林Strengthen the management of felling woods and improve the standard of the shelter belts of the farmland
- 标准standard
- 标准农田Standardized farmlands
- 高标准stringent specification
- 高清high definition
- 乐清市标准农田地力现状调查Observation and evaluation of soil fertilizer for standard palely in Yueqing city
- 乐清市标准农田重金属含量的分析Analysis of heavy metals in standard palely of Yueqing city
- 高标准的high level
- 标准农田稻作灌区泵站提水的节能探讨Energy saving of water lift for pump station in rice irrigated area
- 秀洲区标准农田地力现状与培肥改良对策Evaluation of soil fertility and recommendation of fertilizer application for standard palely in Xiuzhou county Jiaxin
- 我们坚持高标准,决不容许有些放松。There must be no relaxation in our high standards.
- 土地整理暨标准农田建设项目中沟渠施工的关键技术探讨Investigation on the Key Technique of Irrigation-Drain Ditch in Saving Water Irrigation Item
- 他坚持高标准。He enforced high standards.
- 她已经把钢琴的音调升到音乐会的音高标准。She has keyed the piano up to concert pitch.
- 智力达到比智商测示更高标准的学生。a student who attains higher standards than the IQ indicated.
- 她的工作是高标准的。Her work is of a high standard.
- 这台设备要求高标准。This instrument demands stringent specification.
- 积极推进共享价值观,六西格玛和生产项目,实行生产高标准.To actively promote implementation of Share Values, Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing to achieve high standard manufacturing.
- 更高标准higher standard