- 宅急送express delivery company
- 非达急便提供之空运服务包括有机场到机场,以及户对户送货服务。AirFreight airfreight service offers scheduled consolidation services, or direct air carrier, airport-to-airport and door-to-door delivery features.
- 商情宅急送trade information instant providing
- 便ordinary
- 客户可藉由飞达急便网上实时追踪系统对我们所运送的每一批货进行更迅速的信息传送和查询。Real-time on-line tracking system enables customers to obtain or monitor accurately the actual status of their freight while it moves through the logistics supply chain cycle times.
- 感谢您致电宅急送!Thank you for calling ZJS express, nice to see you again!
- 欢迎通过宅急送网站查询Track this shipment via ZJS Website Http: www. Zjs. Com. Cn
- 高尔夫golf
- 宅residence
- 小便urinate
- 会员通过电话或网络确认礼品选项后,可直接来公司领取,礼品也可由酒阁宅急送负责送达。Upon confirmation on line or via phone, prize will be delivered by Cuvee home delivery.
- 排便defecate
- 打高尔夫play golf
- 便携portable
- 豪宅luxurious house
- 通便purge
- 宅急送可以为您提供货物进出口的海关清关、口杂费、税代垫、口退税服务。ZJS can provide customs clearance and tax drawback service for the shipment import& export, as well as advance payment of duty of taxes, THC, and tax refund.
- 便签memo; notepaper
- 他沿着小路急奔。He pegged along the path.
- 燕子穿云急飞。Swallows were darting through the clouds.