- 骨盆胎头X线测量术pelvicephalography
- 骨盆胎头X线摄影(术)pelvicephalography
- 骨盆胎头射线测量术pelvicephalograph
- 骨盆胎头和产道X线测量术pelvicephalography
- 骨盆胎头测量计pelvicephalometer
- 胎头X线测量法roentgen fetometry
- 骨盆胎头X线摄影pelvicephalography
- 骨盆胎头X线摄影术pelvicephalography
- 胎头高浮剖宫产胎头娩出困难原因及处理Analysis and Treatment of Difficulty Delivery Reasons of Cesarean Section with Fetal Floating Head
- 胎头fetal head
- 胎头大小size of fetal head
- 胎头屈曲flexion of fetal head
- 胎头下降descending of fetal head
- 胎头仰伸extension of fetal head
- 胎头状态station of fetal head
- 胎头刀cephalotome
- 胎头浮floating head
- 胎头浮动head floating
- 胎头浮屈Fetal floating head flexion
- 胎头后出ACH; aftercoming head